
80% of Australians think AI risk is a global priority. The government needs to step up

11 Mar 2024

Written by:
Dr Michael Noetel, senior lecturer in psychology
Dr Alexander Saeri, research project manager
Jess Graham, research officer

A new nationally representative survey has revealed Australians are deeply concerned about the risks posed by artificial intelligence (AI). They want the government to take stronger action to ensure its safe development and use.

±in early 2024 and found 80% of Australians believe preventing catastrophic risks from advanced AI systems should be a global priority on par with pandemics and nuclear war.

As AI systems become more capable, decisions about how we develop, deploy and use AI are now critical. The promise of powerful technology may tempt companies – and countries – towithout heeding the risks.

Our findings also reveal a gap between the AI risks that media and government tend to focus on, and the risks Australians think are most important.

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Public concern about AI risks is growing

The development and use of increasingly powerful AI is still on the rise. Recent releases such asԻhave seemingly near-human level capabilities in professional, medical and legal domains.

But the hype has been tempered by rising levels of public and expert concern. Last year, more than 500 people and organisations made submissions to the Australian government’s.

They described AI-related risks such as biased decision making, erosion of trust in democratic institutions through misinformation, and increasing inequality from AI-caused unemployment.

Some are even worried about a particularly powerful AI causingǰ. While this idea is heavily contested, across a series of, most AI researchers judged there to be at least a 5% chance of superhuman AI being “extremely bad (e.g., human extinction)”.

The potential benefits of AI are considerable. AI is already leading to, and it’s used to, which could one day provide zero-carbon energy. Generative AI, particularly for learners and students.

However, the speed of progress is raising alarm bells. People worry we aren’t prepared to handle powerful AI systems that could be misused or behave in unintended and harmful ways.

In response to such concerns, the world’s governments are attempting regulation. The European Union, the United Kingdom, while US President Joe Biden recently signed an executive order to promote.

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Australians want action to prevent dangerous outcomes from AI

To understand how Australians feel about AI risks and ways to address them, we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,141 Australians in January and February 2024.

We found Australians ranked the prevention of “dangerous and catastrophic outcomes from AI” as the number one priority for government action.

Australians are most concerned about AI systems that are unsafe, untrustworthy and misaligned with human values.

Other top worries include AI being used in cyber attacks and autonomous weapons, AI-related unemployment and AI failures causing damage to critical infrastructure.

Strong public support for a new AI regulatory body

Australians expect the government to take decisive action on their behalf. An overwhelming majority (86%) want a new government body dedicated to AI regulation and governance, akin to thefor medicines.

Nine in ten Australians also believe the country should play a leading role in international efforts to regulate AI development.

Perhaps most strikingly, two-thirds of Australians would support hitting pause on AI development for six months to allow regulators to catch up.

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Government plans should meet public expectations

In January 2024, the Australian government published an. It includes strengthening existing laws on privacy, online safety and disinformation. It also acknowledges our currently regulatory frameworks aren’t sufficient.

The interim plan outlines the development of voluntary AI safety standards, voluntary labels on AI materials, and the establishment of an advisory body.

Our survey shows Australians support a more safety-focused, regulation-first approach. This contrasts with the targeted and voluntary approach outlined in the interim plan.

It is challenging to encourage innovation while preventing accidents or misuse. But Australians would prefer the government prioritise preventing dangerous and catastrophic outcomes over “bringing the benefits of AI to everyone”.


  • establishing an AI safety lab with the technical capacity to audit and/or monitor the most advanced AI systems

  • establishing a dedicated AI regulator

  • defining robust standards and guidelines for responsible AI development

  • requiring independent auditing of high-risk AI systems

  • ensuring corporate liability and redress for AI harms

  • increasing public investment in AI safety research

  • actively engaging the public in shaping the future of AI governance.

Figuring out how to effectively govern AI is one of. Australians are keenly aware of the risks of failure, and want our government to address this challenge without delay.

This article was republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the.
